Forensic Genealogy Services in Indiana

Do you need a professional forensic genealogist to verify or identify individuals for probate, trust, real estate title, or mineral rights cases in Indiana?

At Heritage Bridge Genealogy, our expert team assists law offices, courts, banks and trust companies, executors, and oil and gas firms to identify and locate missing or unknown heirs and next-of-kin. We operate with no interest in the outcome of the case and follow the highest ethical standards of the field, billing on an hourly consulting basis.

Our Services Include:

- Expert legal genealogical research meeting industry standards

- Professionally written, source-cited reports

- Exhibits, including descendancy charts and relevant document images

- Affidavits of kinship and due diligence for legal proceedings

- Missing heir location and identification

We understand the challenges that can arise in legal and forensic genealogy. Our goal is to simplify these processes for our clients, helping you resolve your cases efficiently.

Serving Indiana’s Legal Community

Work at Heritage Bridge Genealogy is led by Laurie Hermance-Moore, Accredited Genealogist® in U.S. Midwest states. Our team adheres to the ethical guidelines of the Association of Professional Genealogists. With over 20 years of experience and a team of experts, including two Certified Genealogists®, we have the qualifications and expertise to meet your needs. We have appeared as an expert witness in Ohio probate court cases.

From our location in Columbus, Ohio, we serve clients across Indiana and the Midwest, utilizing our strong network of local researchers to retrieve essential documents and records. We have extensive experience in Indiana records.

Challenges We Can Solve

Our services are ideal for law firms and professionals dealing with:

- Incomplete or absent lists of heirs or family members

- Complex family situations involving multiple marriages and stepchildren

- Heirs that are difficult to locate or identify

- Confusion due to common surnames

- The need for expertly documented reports that meet professional standards to be admissible in court

We’ve helped resolve these challenges for many legal professionals, streamlining cases and offering solutions through superior genealogical research.

Ready to Begin?

For assistance with probate, real estate, or oil and gas cases, contact Heritage Bridge Genealogy today. We’re ready to help you locate next of kin, produce expert-level reports, and ensure your legal cases in Indiana are handled with care and professionalism.

Unsure if you need genealogy services? We offer a complimentary assessment to determine the likelihood of living next of kin.

Contact Us

Please use our contact form or email We will get back to you within 48 hours.